Veinticinco de Mayo, Uruguay

25 de Mayo on the map of Uruguay

25 de Mayo ( Veinticinco de Mayo ) is a village in Uruguay.


25 de Mayo is located on the territory of the department of Florida in the sector 12 The place is located in the western part of the department, near the northwest trending, from Arroyo de la Virgen formed border to Nachbardepartamento San Jose between Cuchilla del Pintado and Cuchilla de Santa Lucía. Closest settlements are in the south Cardal, in the southeast of Mendoza Chico and the north- east, near the also located there Departamento Capital Florida, the place Berrondo. South flows the south-west of 25 de Mayo springing Arroyo sauce, a right-side tributary of the east within a few kilometers past leading Río Santa Lucía Chico. On the northern edge of the village happens to the Arroyo Isla Mala, another tributary of the Río Santa Lucía Chico, which is also fed there at Paso Marengo from Arroyo de la Feliciana.


25 de Mayo was on 17 July 1918, the Ley no. 6,196 categorized as Pueblo.


Through the town, the railway line Montevideo leads - Paso de los Toros.


The Population 25 de Mayo is 1,852 (as of 2011), of which 883 male and 969 female.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay
