Venetian language

  • Indo-European Italic Romanesque


Roa ( other Romance languages ​​)


The Venetian (sometimes Venezisch or Venedisch; . Ven Vèneto or Łéngoa Veneta ) is a Romance language spoken by about five million speakers in the Veneto region, as well as parts of the region Friuli- Venezia Giulia, Trentino and Istria. Venetic belongs to the Northern Italian dialects. Because of the profound differences to the standard Italian it is - just like the other northern Italian varieties - sometimes regarded as a separate language.

Both the inhabitants of the Veneto region and the linguistics generally distinguish between Veneto ( Venetic ), the entire dialect group including all local varieties, and Venesian ( Venetian ), the variety of the city of Venice, which served at the time of the Venetian Republic as a general Koine, today However, only one of several significant Stadtvarietäten within the Venetian is.

The Romanesque Venetian should not be confused with that of the Venetian language of the ancient world, an extinct language, which was written in the Veneto region between the sixth and the first century BC and possibly as a substrate language indirectly affect the language spoken in this region, Latin, and thus had on the Roman Venetian.


Venetic goes like all other Romance languages ​​to Latin. With the group of northern Italian dialects north of the line La Spezia - Rimini it belongs to the Western Romance languages ​​and sometimes very different from the standard Italian language.

The Venetian language has " vec " in accordance with ISO 639-3 code.


From the Italian standard language, the Venetian particularly striking differs phonetically by the fact that " dz " is spoken instead of the Italian " dsh ", as well as by the absence of typical Italian consonant doubling (eg Zanipolo for Giovanni e Paolo ).

How many languages ​​are there in the Venetian clitic or unstressed pronouns dative and accusative for ( ghe ło digo = I tell him, Spanish "se lo digo " it. " Glielo dico "). But there are also Subjektklitika for the nominative, which are mandatory (eg el = varda he considered, he looks at, it. " Guarda ", Spanish for " mira " Fr. " Il regarde " ) and interrogative clitics, such as the be used extensions ( vàrdeło = ER looks at; ?? vàrdito / Vardi ( s ) tu = look at DU? ). The Subjektsklitika not exist in the Italian language. They are also used when the subject in the sentence is visible: Marco el varda ła strada (Mark "he" sees the road to ), Ti Vientu? ( You come, you know? ) ' Sa vàrdito ti? (What you look at, you know? ) ' Sa vàrdeło Marco? (What he considered - Mark, 'What looks to Mark? ).

In Veneto there as well as in German the impersonal passive with the auxiliary xe stà = gh'è stà ( was / is ... been ). For example:

  • Gh'è stà telefona al dotor? = Literally " was (it) call the doctor? "
  • Xe stà parla de ti = literally " ( it) was talking about you "

In many words there are vowel changes ( umlaut ), especially for nouns and verbs that end in -i. The closed mid vowels ó / é thereby become the high vowels u / i:

  • Canton cantón = "corner", cantuni "corners"
  • Coro " I run ," curi " race ". But coro ' choir, " cori " choirs " (no umlaut, since with an open " o " )
  • Toco " I touch " tuchi te " you touch ". But toco "piece", tochi " pieces " ( open o)
  • Vedo " I see", te vidi "You see," vedivi " you saw "
  • Véro = VIERO " glass window " viri " glasses ". But vero " true " veri "true" ( with open e)

Sometimes also subject to the penultimate vowel of a change:

  • Dotor "Doctor, doctor," duturi
  • Momento " moment right now ," muminti

In some variants, and in the cities there is not the umlaut education and it is the " Italian " form for use: te Vedi (it. " vedi " ), cori ("! Corri " it.), te Tochi (it. " Tocchi " ), dotóri (it. " dottori ").

Geographical distribution

Venetic is spoken in

  • Veneto: Padova, Treviso, Venice, Verona, Vicenza, in most of the provinces of Belluno ( there is also spoken Ladin ) and Rovigo ( on the border with Emilia -Romagna pronounce the dialect of Ferrara)
  • Friuli- Venezia Giulia: the west of the province of Pordenone, in the coastal areas (in particular Monfalcone, Grado, Muggia ) and in Trieste
  • Trentino: the east of the province of Trento (especially Valsugana ), also the real Trentino dialect is heavily influenced by the Venetian, although he is linguistically a Gallo - Italic dialect
  • Outside Italy: some parts of Slovenia and Croatia (Istria and Dalmatia ), once also in Montenegro, whose German name itself comes from the Veneto and " Black Mountain " means. In addition, in the Ionian Islands Corfu in particular. On Kefalonia and Zakynthos until about 1952. Due to demographic changes after the great earthquake ( emigration to Patras, Athens and overseas ) extinguished the Venetian language, which has been there survived only in folk songs and poems. As a consequence of the strong emigration from the region to America in the 19th century Venetic is also spoken in some places in North and South America, such as urban Chipilo in Mexico or Brazil in the region of Rio Grande do Sul.


On 28 March 2007, the Venetian has been recognized by the Law on the protection and enhancement of the Venetian language by the vast majority of the Regional Council of Veneto.

Also, the Regional Council of Friuli- Venezia Giulia has adopted a law to upgrade the Venetian dialects on 17 February 2010.

Linguistic history

The Venetian, originally the variety of the city of Venice, had at the time of the Venetian Republic a great prestige. A remarkable document is the travelogue "Il Milione " by the Venetian Marco Polo, the Venetian translation (the original version of which dates from Rustichello da Pisa and is written in Franco- Italian). Other well-known writers who have written in Venetian dialect, are Marino Sanudo (1466-1536) and Andrea Calmo ( 1509-1570 ).

Strong influence took the Venetian also as a lingua franca trade language to the Mediterranean in the early modern period.

The Venetian exercised at that time also a great influence on the South Slavic varieties on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea, especially on the čakavischen and the Dalmatian štokavischen dialects of Croatian.

In the course of linguistic history, the Venetian was ousted as a written language through the Tuscan, who won prestige mainly by Dante Alighieri, Giovanni Boccaccio and Petrarch. Literary significance gained the Venetian only in the 18th century by the plays of Carlo Goldoni as a model of the Italian commedia dell'arte. With the dissolution of the Republic of Venice by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1797 and the founding of the Italian nation-state as a result of the Risorgimento, who introduced the coined from the Tuscan dialect Standardtalienisch as an official language, the Venetian lost its prestige and was downgraded for a long time on the status of used only in speech dialect, which however is actively spoken by many people of all generations and every social status. Only in recent years, like other Northern Italian languages ​​also experienced a renaissance.

Today Venetic is used as diaphasic variety especially in informal contexts.

Text example

From the Gospel of Matthew (Mt 3:1-8 ); Translation of Gianjacopo Fontana (1859 ):

" Venetic: In sto tempo xe venguno Zuane el Batista a predicar in tel deserto de la Giudea, disendo: fè Penitenza: perché el xe qua arente el regno dei cieli. Perché questo l' omo xe, che aveva Parla el profeta Isaia, col ga ditto: ose de chi ciga in deserto tel: Prepare la strada del signor: fè Dreti i so trozi. Lu istesso po Zuane aveva indosso un abito de pelo de cameli, e una cintura de pele ligada ai so fianchi: e altro che nol magnava cavalete, e miel Selvadego. Alora andava da lu Gerusalemme, e tuta la Giudea, e tuto el del paese atorno Giordano; ei straight batizai as lu in tel Giordano, confessai i so Pecai. Ma col ga visto a vegnir a batizarse since lu tanti farisei, e caducei, el ga ditto a lori: razza de vipere, che ga ve Insegna a scampar da la colera futura? Fè Donca fruto degno de Penitenza. "

" Italian: In Quei giorni comparve Giovanni Battista il a predicare nel deserto della Giudea, dicendo: "! Convertitevi, perché il regno dei cieli è vicino ". Egli è che fu colui Annunziato dal profeta Isaia quando disse: " Voce di uno che grida nel deserto: preparate la via del Signore, raddrizzate i suoi sentieri "! Giovanni portava un vestito di peli di una cintura di pelle e cammello Attorno ai fianchi; il suo cibo erano locuste e miele selvatico. Allora accorrevano a lui da Gerusalemme because tutta la Giudea e dalla zona adiacente il Giordano; e, confessando i loro peccati, si facevano battezzare since lui nel fiume Giordano. Vedendo però molti farisei e sadducei venire al suo battesimo, disse loro: " Razza di vipere! Chi vi ha suggerito di sottrarvi all'ira imminent? Fate dunque frutti di conversione degni. "

" German: In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, saying, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand! And he is the one of whom the prophet Isaiah had spoken, saying, " The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the Lord the way, make his paths straight " He, however, John had his raiment of camel's hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; and his meat was locusts and wild honey. Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judea and all the region round about Jordan, and were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins. When he come to his baptism saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you, that you flee from the wrath to come? Take heed, do righteous fruit of repentance! "
