Vingåker Municipality

Vingåker is a municipality (in Swedish kommun ) in the Swedish province of Södermanland County and the historic province of Södermanland. The main town of the municipality is Vingåker.

Other places are Baggetorp, Högsjö, Marmorbyn and other small places. Passing through the municipality, the Reichsstrasse 52 and the main railway line ( Västra stambanan ) Stockholm - Gothenburg.


The community lies in a plane which is an extension of Sörmland Lakeland. The municipal area is used for agriculture intensive. In the village there are several stately homes, including the Säfstaholm castle.


Vingåker is a service community with remnants of a traditional textile industry and intensive agriculture. Approximately 25 % of the working population is employed in industry and 4% in agriculture.


Vingåker maintains twinning to Mill Valley in Germany, Pühalepa in Estonia, Måsøy in Norway and Kiikala in Finland.
