Visual language

Imagination (Latin: imago " image " ) is synonymous with imagination, imagination, imagination, pictorial visuality representation. It is thereby understood the psychological ability by means of visual imagery to develop non- current situations, events, objects and persons as images in the mind, or to remember such and to perceive it clearly with the inner mind's eye. About this ability some people have problems, others only with great effort or even by means of unconscious processes under hypnosis. In medicine of the 18th century imagination was systematically used for healing purposes.

In the psychotherapeutic sense of imagination is the ability to perceive in waking consciousness with eyes (mostly ) closed inner or mental images. The inner images resemble dream images, their occurrence can, however, be deliberately promoted and modified. Imagination ( sübungen ) are often combined with relaxation methods.


The Latin imago is the importance of image, likeness, image, illusion and dream vision, idea, ancestral portrait, wax mask, silhouette based, see also → Imago (psychology ). There is a relationship to Latin imitari = imitate and aemulari = vie, emulate, in so far as an "image" do not correspond to reality, but they only " mimics " or its " rivals ". Imaginary is defined in the German language as unreal, present only in the imagination. In mathematics an imaginary number is a non- real number that can be represented by any positive or negative value. The mid-17th century arisen synonymous term imagination is just as imagination of Latin origin, since he was transferred from the Latin facultas imaginandi into German. It is linguistically a so-called loan translation.


According to Immanuel Kant and his critical epistemology imagination has no psychological connotation, but is a necessary transcendental- condition for all objectifying relations of perception and thought dar. for the possibility of experience, Kant distinguishes " three subjective sources of knowledge ... meaning, imagination, and apperception " ( CPR A 115 ). Kant distinguishes the imagination, association and reproduction. The reproductive imagination reflects the reality, while the productive, creative imagination is associated with the imagination.

According to Hegel, the imagination is the emergence of the images from his own interiority of the self, which is now their power.

Albert Einstein the famous sentence is: "Imagination is more important than knowledge ... it is an important factor in scientific knowledge discovery. "

For the esoteric is the imagination of one of the most important means of gaining knowledge. Scientific evidence is not required.


Methods with imagination techniques are, for example: The upper stage of autogenic training, Guided Affective Imagery, hypnosis with hypnagogic images, meditation, lucid dream. The resulting images can be affected by both ideational content, sentences and thoughts, but also carry an unconscious momentum and are therefore, like breathing, both consciously and unconsciously controlled.

The imagination was and is used in many cultures in a religious context and has been introduced by Carl Gustav Jung in psychotherapy, who looked at the consciously experienced mental images as a mediator between the conscious and the unconscious.

Imaginations are used as part of many different forms of psychotherapy, especially in deep psychologically -based arrangements, but also in the context of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis ( Böschemeyer ), with cognitive behavioral therapy ( Lazarus ) and Others

From about 1950 Hans Carl Leuner tried to make imaginations for medicine available and systematized on the basis of psychoanalytic approach and training. A technically sound primary education (medicine, psychology ) seems indispensable for a professional job with deep imaginations.

Like dreams imaginations open window to the unconscious. In contrast to dreams is what imaginations but more or less consciously controlled pictorial representations, where all the senses can be involved (sight, hearing, taste, etc.). Just ask yourself before time, cut a lemon and bite into it!

Depending on the strength of ego control you can visualize, for example, according to Simonton ( more aware controls ), guided imaginations as imaginary journeys (control is discharged at significantly companion, often in Hypnotherapy ) and deep, authentic imaginations (deep imaginations ) are different, where the conscious control in a hypnotic state is withdrawn as far as possible, which necessitates a certain fear and freedom, at least in the initial phase of professionally trained accompaniment.

Imagination in the context of psychotherapy can be applied to many psychological disorders.

Reincarnation therapy uses imaginations of past or future lives, to heal problems " in the current incarnation ."

For patients with chronic pain is especially positive images ( beach scenes, images of nature, walks, holiday images ) have been found to be helpful.

The combination of relaxation with the imagination has the following advantages:


In the literature one can use the term "scientific imagination " for certain narrative techniques, for example, in the French Realism in Honoré de Balzac ( Father Goriot ) to emerge.
