Vladimir Kotelnikov

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kotelnikov (Russian Владимир Александрович Котельников, scientific transliteration Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kotelnikov, born September 6, 1908 in Kazan, † 11 February 2005 in Moscow) was a Soviet electrical engineer in the field of radio technology and information theory.


In the years 1926-1931 studied Kotelnikov radio technology at the Institute of Power ( MEI). He received his doctorate in engineering sciences. 1931-1941 he worked as an engineer, assistant, laboratory director and lecturer at the MEI. Between 1941 and 1944 he worked in industrial plants and in the development of telecommunications equipment. Kotelnikov was 1944-1980 as a lecturer, professor and chair at the MEI. From 1953 to 1987 he was deputy director and in 1954 director of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Soviet Academy of Sciences (IRE / RAW ). In 1987 he became honorary director there. He was from 1970 to 1988 vice-president of RAW and in 1988 Consultant Bureau.



Kotelnikov authored three books and more than eighty scientific papers.

Kotelnikov formulated and published in 1933 for the first time mathematically exactly the WKS sampling theorem. This publication in a Soviet conference report was referenced in the East since the 1950s, but remained generally in the West until the 1980s largely unknown. Since it is increasingly referred to as the Whittaker - Kotelnikov -Shannon sampling theorem. Vladimir Kotelnikov became known world in the theorist of communication technology through his work on interference-resistant communications of 1947.

In the 1950s and 1960s, he played a leading role in the communication aspects of the Soviet satellite program. Then he dealt with problems of radio and radar astronomy. He is now regarded as the doyen of Russian communications technology.

The central importance of the sampling theorem for the whole of modern communications technology gave rise to give Kotelnikov the Eduard Rhein basis Prize in 1999.
