Walnut Grove (Minnesota)

Redwood County


Walnut Grove is a municipality in the western part of the U.S. state of Minnesota in Redwood County. The population is 871 people ( Census 2010).


Walnut Grove is located on the railway line and the road that leads from Mankato ( Minnesota) to Pierre (South Dakota). The municipality district comprises 2.69 square kilometers.


Walnut Grove was founded in 1870 and is named after the walnut trees on the nearby Plum Creek. 1873 was the site of a school, a church in 1874.

In Walnut Grove is also one of the many Laura Ingalls Wilder museums. The author Laura Ingalls Wilder spent from 1874 part of her childhood in this place and processed their memories in the book Laura and her friends (English title: On the Banks of Plum Creek ), the third volume of the book series Little House. Borrowing from this template television series Little House (English title: Little House on the Prairie) plays largely in Walnut Grove.

Through the presentation of Laura Ingalls Wilder Walnut Grove became the epitome of a typical small town in the Midwest of the U.S. and thus has a similar role as the town Gopher Prairie in Sinclair Lewis.


In Walnut Grove 178 families live ( Census 2010). 98 percent of the population are white, 1 percent comes from the Pacific islands, almost a further percent are black African descent. The annual per capita income of 15,637 U.S. dollars. 9.6 percent of the population live below the poverty line.

Citys Belview | Clements | Delhi | Lamberton | Lucan | Milroy | Morgan | Redwood Falls | Revere | Sanborn | Seaforth | Vesta | Wabasso | Walnut Grove | Wanda

List of cities in Minnesota

  • City in Minnesota
  • Location in North America
  • Redwood County