Waverley Root

Waverley Lewis Root ( born April 15, 1903 Rhode Iceland, † October 31, 1982 in Paris ) was an important American journalist and author who dealt primarily with issues relating to the food culture.

He lived from 1927 to 1934 and from 1945 until his death in Paris, originally worked as European correspondent of the Chicago Tribune, but published at the end of his life a regular column in the International Herald Tribune, in which he philosophized about food.

With his publications such as The Food of Italy, Italian Cooking and Food in America, he coined the development of the American kitchen with decisive.

Publications (selection)

  • The cuisine in Italy. Edited by Holger Hofmann; Photographs by Fred Lyon; from the English by Eva Bornemann. Rowohlt, Reinbek 1983, ISBN 3-499-16431-0.
  • Quail, truffle, chocolate. The Encyclopedia of culinary delights. Translated from English and edited by Melanie Walz. Goldmann, Munich 1996, ISBN 3-442-72088-5.