Weinan E

Weinan E (Chinese鄂 维南, Pinyin È Wéinnán; * September 1963 Jingjiang, People's Republic of China) is a Chinese mathematician. In this case, the surname E is usual written first as in Chinese. In the U.S., so he enrolls Weinan E.

E Weinan studied mathematics at the China University of Science and Technology in Hefei ( bachelor's degree, 1982) and obtained his degree in 1985 at the Academy of Mathematics and System Theory, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was Björn Engquist at the University of California, Los Angeles, PhD ( Homogenization and numerical methods for hyperbolic conservation laws with oscillatory data) 1989. 1989 to 1992 he was at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences of New York University and from 1991 to 1994 at the Institute for Advanced Study. From 1994 he was an associate professor at the Courant Instiute and as of 1997 there had a full professorship. Since 1999 he is a professor at Princeton University and since 2005 also professor at the Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research ( BICMR ) in Beijing.

He dealt with various theoretical models for turbulence in hydrodynamics ( Burgers equation), with numerical hydrodynamics, multi-scale methods (development of Heterogeneous Multiscale Methods, HMM) and multi-scale modeling, homogenization problems, stochastic partial differential equations, derivation of macroscopic properties from the microscopic electronic structure of solids ( density functional theory in quantum mechanical many-body theory and Cauchy -Born rule), modeling of rare events, weak KAM theory.

In 2003 he received the Collatz Prize for his work in many areas of applied mathematics of hydrodynamics to solid state physics, including incompressible flows, turbulence, statistical physics, superconductivity, liquid crystals, polymers, epitaxy and micromagnetics. In 2009 he received the Ralph E. Kleinman Prize, and the 1999 Feng Kang Price in Scientific Computing (Scientific Computing). He became a Fellow of the Institute of Physics, 2009, the SIAM and 2011 member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2005. In 2002 he was invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Beijing (Energy landscapes and rare events, with Weiquing Ren, Eric Vanden - Eijnden ). He is a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society.


  • Principles of Multiscale Modeling, Princeton University Press, 2011.