While the City Sleeps (1956 film)

The Beast is a film from 1956, directed by Fritz Lang, RKO Pictures produced. Was written the screenplay by Casey Robinson. The film is based on the novel The bloody trail of Charles Einstein, showing the story of the serial killer William Heirens.


After the death of media potentate Amos Kyne he inherited all his business to his son Walter. However, the latter decides not to run the company himself. He decides that the one who wrote an exclusive story about the drifting just in the city on the loose serial killer is given the job as manager. It breaks out of a power struggle, because everyone wants to have this job.


The city depicted in the movie is supposed to be New York, the film was made, however, in Los Angeles. It featured trams ( with stairs and pantographs for an overhead line ) of the Pacific Electric in Belmont tunnel under downtown Los Angeles, the trains of the New York subway dar.
