World Energy Council

The World Energy Council ( WEC, German: WEC ) is a worldwide organization with member committees in over 90 countries. Its members are mainly large energy producers and traders, added some government bodies, research and energy consumer organizations. WEC offers its members a range of services including research, analysis and strategy recommendations on energy sources such as coal, oil, gas and erneuerbarn energies. Seat of the WEC is London.

The idea for the foundation came out in the 1920s by Daniel Nicol Dunlop, who wanted to bring together energy experts from around the world to discuss current and future energy issues. To this end, organized Dunlop in 1923 national committees, which culminated in 1924 in the first World Power Conference ( WPC) (World Power Conference). In London, in 1700 experts from 40 countries to discuss energy issues. The meeting was so successful that those present at the July 11, 1924 it agreed to establish the conference as a permanent organization. The name World Power Conference was elected and appointed as the first Chairman Dunlop. 1968, the name in World Energy Conference and 1992 was changed to the current form in World Energy Council.


Secretaries General

Chairperson of the Board
