World IPv6 Day and World IPv6 Launch Day

The World IPv6 Day (World IPv6 Day ) was an action that was sponsored and organized by the Internet Society and several major providers, with the aim to test the deployment of IPv6. On 12 January 2011 the World IPv6 Day and the participation of the five companies Facebook, Google, Yahoo!, Akamai Technologies and Limelight Networks was announced. The World IPv6 Day began on June 8, 2011 at 00:00 UTC clock and ended at 23:59 clock the same day.

After the great success was on June 6, 2012, the action as the World IPv6 Launch and the motto this time it is for real " this time really " performed again. To this day, all participants were asked to enable IPv6 permanently.

The main reason for the implementation of the World IPv6 Day was the identification of possible faults and problems in the future transition to the IPv6 protocol. To make this possible, enabled significant internet companies and companies during the World IPv6 Day on its website the IPv6 protocol. Another goal of this day was to motivate companies worldwide, including providers, hardware manufacturers, distributors of operating systems and Internet companies to upgrade their services and products with IPv6 to allow a transition from IPv4 to IPv6 without any major problems will be possible.

The test consisted mainly in that the participating companies publish on their websites AAAA resource records that allow a client to access the website over IPv6. Although Internet service providers were encouraged to participate, increased the most, only to answer their willingness to questions from end users.

Many companies and organizations took part in this experiment, including the major search engines, social networks, Internet backbones, etc.


In total, more than 400 participants took part in World IPv6 Day, including companies with the most trafficked Internet destinations worldwide: Comcast, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Youtube, Akamai Technologies, Limelight Networks, Microsoft, Vonage, AOL, Mapquest, T-Online, Cisco, Juniper Networks, Huawei, U.S. Department of Commerce, MasterCard, BBC and Telmex.


Leading operators extent an increase in IPv6 traffic on World IPv6 Day, Arbor Networks from about 0.024 % to 0.041 %. On the whole, the day passed without any significant problems for the participants. Cisco and Google reported that no major errors during the test occurred. Facebook encouraged the result and decided on their developer site the IPv6 protocol continues to be activated. The technique mainly used was dual-stack, ie the parallel operation of IPv4 and IPv6 on the same infrastructure.
