World map

As a world map refers to a map that maps the entire earth's surface.


In world map projection is the question of the most serious, since a complete spherical surface on a plane must be projected here. The distortions on the card edges thereby have more than for small-scale maps. For this reason, there are very many different card network designs for world maps, which are used depending on the application. For general purposes of illustration, usually a compromise projection is used, the heavily distorted neither surfaces nor angle (eg, Robinson and the angle - Tripel projection ).

As with maps now commonplace, even world maps are oriented to the north. The top and bottom margins are usually set on the North or South Pole. This convention comes from Europe and from the time when the continents of Australia and Antarctica were unknown there. Modern Responses are south-facing alternative cards as the published in 1979 Universal Corrective Map of the World by Australian Stuart McArthur.

The horizontal centering is effected different and mostly so that the application region of the card is located approximately in the middle. Since the necessary vertical section is not to pass through land as possible, especially two Kartenzentrierungen are now common: in one of the section runs through the Pacific Ocean, at the other by the Atlantic Ocean.

The alternative to the world map is the globe, which can represent the earth's surface without distortion. Across from him the card has the disadvantage that it always hurt at least one of the properties length loyalty, fidelity surface or angle loyalty. Their advantage is that they can provide an overall view of the surface of the earth. In addition, planar representations may be better to use in media, whether on paper. Atlases and Posters for or on screens

Use and importance of

Like all maps meet world maps various features. Your primary, the orientation of this magnitude, especially in sea, air and space plays a significant role, for example, while road maps are generally small-scale. The most common card types are the physical map that shows natural features such as mountains and waters, the political map, which maps state boundaries and cities, as well as the combination thereof, the general - geographic map.

Furthermore, can serve a world map to represent any global data collected or map large-scale distributions, correlations or circuits.

Climatic zones of the earth

Global ocean currents

Telephone area codes by state

Human Development Index of States

The card base can consist of surveying drawings, but also from satellite or aerial images. The latter are most often composed of individual shots that no atmospheric disturbances such as clouds are seen.

World maps also have a symbolic meaning. They reflect the totality of the world's population, represent the distribution of peoples and states. On the other hand, they show the " blue planet " Earth, represent the entire biosphere and can stand for nature.


Famous world map in history were:

  • Mappa mundi and cycling maps
  • Ebstorfer world map, Middle Ages
  • De Virga world map, 1411-1415
  • World Map of Andrew Walsperger, 1448
  • Genoese World Map, 1457
  • World Map of Alberto Cantino, 1502
  • Waldseemüllersche world map, 1507, recorded in the first time the name "America"
  • Map of Piri Reis, 1513
  • International map of the world, 1913
  • World Map 1:2,500,000, 1956 ff

The list formerly World Maps lists maps of the world, who claim to represent the entire known world. The list includes world maps to the first map showing the New World, that is, until the discovery of America.
