World Scrabble Championship

The Scrabble World Cup (English World Scrabble Championship ) is the world's most prestigious Scrabble tournament. Since 1991 it takes place every two years. The current world champion Nigel Richards, who won the title at the World Championships 2011 in Warsaw.

The number of participants grew steadily since the beginning. Acquisitions in 1991, only 48 players participated, there were already 108 2009 Each participating country is entitled to a certain number of players who are then set by the national federations.

The dictionary used is colloquially known as SOWPODS, which is used in the majority of countries where Scrabble is played.

On May 17, 2013, the Games Group Mattel announced that the World Cup is to be renamed Scrabble Tournament Champions and as part of " Mind Sports Festival " will be held in Prague from 3rd to 8th December 2013.

