
Writers are authors and authors of literary texts and are thus among the authors.

  • 3.1 Germany
  • 3.2 Switzerland
  • 3.3 Austria
  • 5.1 documentation
  • 5.2 manuals
  • 5.3 encyclopedias

The term

The term writer in the 17th century " ( in ) a typeface " meaning " write " formed and replaced since the Occupation foreign words Skribent and author. After the brothers Grimm are writers still 1616 led by a Concipienten from that is built for other legal writing, and the use of the word for a writer who exercises berufsmäszig a literary activity, was first occupied in 1723. They cite, among others also Immanuel Kant, for the one who speaks to the audience in his own name, writer or author is mentioned, and Friedrich Schiller, for the term writer replaced the the beautiful spirit, while Joachim Heinrich Campe writing and writers as " low, but that's why not objectionable words " at her.


Author is anyone who a text, a comic or a picture story of any kind in any medium published and can not make own the copyright. The term writer is some differentiation among authors is made, based in part on medial- distributive, partly on stylistic and thematic characteristics of their productions:

  • Of the publicist on the one hand, the texts of a more journalistic treatment of current topics have in the service of public opinion,
  • Whose writings raise a quite literary claim about the writer, without thereby submitting to special restrictions in the treatment of their subjects,
  • To the poets and poets on the other hand, whose works include the full range of literary genres ( can ), but there are usually subject to high poetically aesthetic, although time-bound standards.

This differentiation is approximate and out of focus, the language probably a publicist or a poet allowed to call a writer too.


Authors who place value on being called a writer, this link is not rare with an achievement test, which according to the number of their non-published self - or subsidy publishing books, the height of the pads sold in each case and any war critical uptake by the reviewers measured. This is underlined also by the option to earn his living mostly or exclusively by book publications.

This is sometimes identified with the self-designation Freelance writer - although, apart from very few exceptions, they too can rarely live alone of the cash flow generated from book publishing royalties, but themselves and their further work on the manuscripts through readings, lectures, applications for need to fund scholarships and other work.

"Free" means first freelance work, so no trades. But many also understood as not to be bound as an author to a publisher. Given the gap between the high expectations and the reality of life expected to increase after the narrowest definition in Germany indicate at best a hundred organized by several thousand in writers' associations authors and writers.

Although an association of writers such as the trade union federation German writer has writers and translators of all types and genres gathered and established only in the DGB next to the Journalists' Association dju as an independent organization, writers will also sometimes connected a restriction on authors of fiction with the name.

The younger generation writers have for this term a non- convulsive teres relationship: you want as a writer of texts - of any kind - can live from their writing. Moreover, only few authors or writers purists when it comes to their subject or class, but they are trying to earn a living through a crossover in various genres and media. So there are quite a few novelists, poems and children's books, but have also written plays and screenplays for movies.

Designation by other

Depending on the scope in dealing with literature applies to the general public as any writer who has published a book of any kind. Writer is here probably simply derived from type foundry, which is indeed etymologically wrong (see Eingangserläutungen top), the comprehensive assignment after but the etymological origins as a replacement of the foreign word author comes closer than an evaluative distinction between the two terms.

The reviewers of the feuilleton is also barely made ​​a judgmental intentioned distinction between author and writer.


While counts in the U.S. Creative Writing to higher education or students practice in Japan traditionally found in the haiku writing, is spoken in schools in the German-speaking world still more about literature than excited to literary writing. Writers in the German language are usually first intensive reader, and then to seek an autodidact own way of writing as well as for marketing of manuscripts.

At the University of Applied Arts Vienna, the University of Hildesheim and since 1995 at the University of Leipzig (German Literature Institute in Leipzig ) there after the U.S. model, a read- craft training course or a degree program for qualified writers. Guest students may also attend these seminars. In addition, offer numerous writing workshops, such as the young literature Hessen -Thüringen, the Marburg summer academy or school of writing, aspiring authors interactive training or coaching by already established writers.

For the self-marketing, more and more literary agents be availed of writers who seek to remove hurdles at the publishers. But in fact undergo literary agencies, the authors similar selection and exclusion criteria, such as publishers and thus assume sometimes equal to the function " outgesourceter " proofreading.

Despite whatever type of pre- training and succeeds only very few writers to live alone from their publications or book fees. Therefore, most still go to other activities - either completely beyond the literature or in a combination of at least cognate as a translator, read traveler or, as in previous periods in the USA, as a lecturer in Creative Writing.

Information on remuneration and bonuses see author.


Many writers are organized in professional associations and interest groups. They serve the literary content of discourse, but also the promotion of its members through association's own publications as well as reading and discussion events.

The most well-known international writers' association PEN is, but is also open to other writing professions. In Germany, the PEN Center Germany, a national organization, exists in Austria, the Austrian PEN Club. In Switzerland, the Swiss German PEN Center and finally in Liechtenstein Liechtenstein the PEN Club. Until 1998 there was also the PEN Centre of the German Democratic Republic. In addition, the P.E.N. exists Center of German-speaking authors abroad


Largest Bundesverband in Germany with 4000 members of the trade union federation German writer ( VS). He has particular legal and counseling in questions of copyright. The VS is furthermore also standard contracts with the German book trade and sees itself as a lobby when it comes to the social protection of authors ( see Künstlersozialversicherung ) and it is relevant legislative texts. Moreover, most writers are also members of the VG Wort to secure the secondary rights to their works.

Other associations of writers are or were especially

  • Organized as an association German Academy for Language and Poetry, which also includes writing philosophers and historians,
  • The film cycle literature the world of work
  • The Federal Association of young authors;
  • The community of interests of German-language authors

Of historical importance are:

  • The Federation of Proletarian Revolutionary Writers
  • The German Writers' Union


The most famous Writers' Association of Switzerland is the merger authors of Switzerland.


The best-known writers are associations of Austria, the Austrian Union of Writers and Authors in Graz Assembly.
