Yoruba religion

The religion of the Yoruba is mainly practiced in parts of Nigeria and neighboring Benin. She is also the origin of a whole series of religious traditions that flourish today mainly engaged in various countries in the Americas. These Afro-American religions include Vodoun ( Voodoo ), Santeria, Umbanda, Candomblé, Macumba and a few more, with the boundaries both with one another and are often fluent to Christianity. Some talk due to the widespread use especially among blacks in many countries even of a " Yoruba world religion."

Since 2005, the sacred grove of the Orisha Osun a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Ifá oracle of the Orisha Orunmila is a UNESCO masterpiece of humanity.


Patakis are narratives of the Yoruba, which report on the creation of the world, the origins, relationships and actions of the Orisa. Most of them date back to myths or folk tales.


The cosmology is based on an inseparable cosmos in which interact the invisible range ( orun ) and the visible area ( aye ) about Ashe and kept in balance. In orun are Olodumare, Orishas and their ancestors in the living aye. There is no polarization into " good" and " evil."

This idea is expressed in representations of the Yorùbá.

  • A calabash symbolizes with its two halves the cosmos.
  • A Divinationsbrett ( opon ifa) of the Ifá oracle consists of a raised edge with figures and a flat, smooth center.


Olodumare ( Odumare; Olorun; Olofi ) the creator of the Orishas and the universal life energy is Aché (ASE; ASHE ) and these are his emanation. He is without a specific gender. He is, together with the Orishas and the ancestors ( EGUN ) in heaven ( orun; " gods "), but only the Orishas Obatala and ellegua know his " residence". He is far removed from the problems of daily life in the mundane world ( AYE Aiyê; " this world "). Therefore, the faithful seek guidance and help with the Orishas and the ancestors.


→ Main article: Ashe

Ashe ( Ase, Ase, Aché, Axé ( bras ) ) is the life energy that own and human actions (prayer, song or gesture) not only all living beings and objects, but also all immaterial spirit beings ( orishas and ancestors). She takes over time despite a " good character " (IWA PELE ) and has to by religious rituals, such as praying ( Adura ) and sacrifice ( ebo, ebbo ) to be charged, otherwise the gods to empty idols. Ashe also means simple joy of life out of life energy. One way to reproduce this, Capoeira is.

A club with reference both to Capoeira as to Candomblé is Oxumaré.


Orishas are anthropomorphized spirits / gods as spirits of nature, culture heroes and deified ancestors who act as messengers and mediators between heaven and earthly world. They differ in their regional significance, its aspects, and their relationships. You are assigned to colors, numbers, plants, sounds, rhythms, favorite food and favorite beverages.

Explanations for the Orisa:

While scholars such as Idowu think that polytheism is a regression of monotheism, there are also interpretations that see the aspects of divinity in the multitude of Orisa. Such an explanation for the large number of Orisa is a narrated by the Yoruba myth itself


According to the myth was at the beginning of Orisa, which was crushed by his slave, who hated him, in many hundreds of items. Orunmila but collected the items all over the world again, and that he could find, he was allegedly in a large calabash, which he called Orisa Nla and aufstellte in a shrine in Ife. But hundreds of fragments are still scattered around the world and Orislana is the most important among all.


In Ori (literally, head ' ) determination ( àyànmó ) is anchored, which brings a man at his birth, and is a "partial " reincarnation of his ancestors. The believer tries to learn more about his predestination on oracle systems of the orishas. The Ifá oracle, in which, with Orunmila, the Orisa of wisdom is communicated may only be performed by Babalawos ( Ifá - High Priest ).
