Young Einstein

  • Yahoo Serious: Albert Einstein
  • Odile Le Clezio: Marie Curie
  • John Howard: Preston Preston
  • Peewee Wilson: Mr. Einstein
  • Su Cruickshank: Mrs. Einstein
  • Glenn Butcher: Ernest Rutherford
  • Steve Abbott: Brian Asprin
  • Basil Clarke: Charles Darwin

Einstein Junior is an Australian slapstick comedy from 1988 directed by and starring the popular comedian in the country of Yahoo Serious, who plays the lead role, wrote the book and the movie produced and directed at him.


The previously known world history around the science is ( notionally ) found in this film in question and completely on its head. Albert Einstein is not a German researcher, but Tasmanians and son of a local apple growers. In his youth he begins to be interested in science, prepares formulas and hypotheses and attempts to prove through experiments, which usually end in chaos. When he succeeds in his research to split the beer atom and to bring as foam into the drink, his parents are convinced that Albert is a genius and should make his fortune in the big wide world. Consequently, leaving Einstein Tasmania in a boat.

After an odyssey through Australia, when he met the French physicist Marie Curie and the greasy Patent Office director Preston Preston, he finally lands in 1906 in Sydney, where he wants to patent his gap formula. But because the formula does not comes with a physical invention, it is set with derision before the door. Einstein can not be browbeaten, rents a room in a boarding house, the splitting of the atom improved developed the theory of relativity further and invents the surfing and the concept of rock ' n ' roll. At the same time is Marie, who has fallen in love with Albert for him and talks Preston too well that this formula but accepts and Einstein also conveys a job in the patent office. Secretly, however, Preston steals the beer atom - formula and gives it to two German brewers further in order to come to wealth. When Albert learns of this, he asks the three to speech, ends up in the course but in a lunatic asylum.

Here cavort more misunderstood geniuses like Ernest Rutherford or the chemist Brian Asprin. Marie, incensed at Prestons behavior, trying to rid Albert. But this has now resigned, so Marie leaves him. Einstein then grabs the ambition and he can finally break out using his electric guitar. When he wants to return to Marie, is the already departed again to their home.

Albert is on his way to France and finally convinced Marie to accompany him to Paris. Here is to be awarded in the Academy of Science in the evening of the Nobel Prize in Preston and its stolen beer atomic formula. Here Preston wants to present a machinery of splitting the atom - an atom bomb. Albert and Marie arrive at the last moment to the event, but Preston can not stop them, turn on the machine. Albert finally manages to do with his electric guitar and the energy-absorbing rock ' n ' roll the device harmless.

Einstein is awarded for its performance and its formula finally the Nobel Prize and returns with Marie by his side as a folk hero to Tasmania, where he is celebrating his success with the first rock concert in history.


"With all disrespect a loving tribute to Albert Einstein as an inventor, human and animal lover. Through the use of a variety of cinematic narrative forms the closed nature of the film is torpedoed by almost every viewer something to offer. Largely amusing entertainment for friends of the boisterous nonsense. "


  • "Einstein Junior" was at that time one of the biggest box office success in the Australian cinema. He has been implemented in many parts around Sydney. The scene in which Serious in the Australian bush carves a surfboard, created for example in a park in the metropolis.
  • In one scene, Albert Einstein tried to take off a shoe and throws it backwards, stumbling through a closed window and following in depth. While filming the scene Yahoo Serious pushed so strongly in his own words his head, that he almost had broken his neck.
  • In addition to the free use of the names and careers of Albert Einstein and Marie Curie come in the movie a few other well-known personalities of science before, including Ernest Rutherford, Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, the Wright Brothers and Lumiere, Guglielmo Marconi and Thomas Edison.
  • When Soundtrack participated some of Australia's best known musicians, such as the band Icehouse and Mental As Anything, the latter to Chuck Berry - recordings new hit "Rock and Roll Music". In addition, the theme from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly by Ennio Morricone, Richard Strauss' " Also sprach Zarathustra ", theme from the Symphony No. 5 by Ludwig van Beethoven, the 1812 Overture by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky as well as the William Tell Overture to hear from Rossini in the film.
  • Producer David Roach has a guest appearance in the film as one of the Tasmanian farmers at the concert at the end of the film.