Yvette Estermann

Yvette Estermann (born Iveta Gavlasovà; born February 26, 1967 in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia) is a Swiss politician (SVP ).


After attending high school in Senec she studied from 1985 to 1993 medicine at the Comenius University in Bratislava. She wrote a thesis on the Crohn's disease in childhood and graduated in 1993 with a state exam. After Estermann years the title " Dr. med " had led in Switzerland, it was the summer of 2012 denied the right to do as she trained as a so-called professional doctor, which is awarded in Slovakia all graduates of medical studies together with the diploma, has, but not one from the federation of the Swiss assistance and senior physicians ( VSAO ) recognized doctorate. You may now acquired in Slovakia title run, " Dr. MU, Comenius University in Bratislava ."

In 1993, she emigrated with her husband from to Kriens and trained from 1994 to 1996 in Lucerne and Basel in classical homeopathy on. In 1995 she opened her own practice for complementary medicine and homeopathy in Lucerne. 1999 Estermann received Swiss citizenship and joined in 2000 the SVP.

Since 2003 she is the owner of a consulting firm. From 2004 to 2005, Estermann Administrator of the Cosmos AG, which the Free University depths - a so-called diploma mill - operates. Together with Manuel Brandenberg and her husband, Richard, she founded early 2010, Yvette Estermann Foundation, which she also chaired. The Foundation is criticized as " selfish ", it serves merely " election support " for women Estermann.

Yvette Estermann is married, mother of one child and lives in Kriens.


In 2005 she was elected as the first Lucerne SVP woman in the Grand Council of the Canton of Lucerne and two years later, the election took place during the 2007 elections to the National Council, where she is under its Group Vice President.
