Zarnow (river)

Zarnow in Reez

The Zarnow is a small river in the middle Mecklenburg southeast of Rostock.


The Zarnow formed from several drainage ditches between the nature reserve and Göldenitzer Moor Nature Reserve Great Potremser Moor east of Federal Highway 103 at Göldenitz and flows to the west. It crosses the B 103 two kilometers southeast of Dummerstorf flows through the Zarnowbachtal, which is part of the nature reserve Zarnowbachtal and Great Moor. Before the Zarnow flows through the village Prisannewitz, flows from the north of Zarnegraben one. This rises south of the motorway junction Rostock and flows parallel to the federal motorway 19 After Prisannewitz between Kavelstorf and Dummerstorf flows the Zarnow north on 120 acres of woodland Zarnow past and opens behind Reez in the Warnow.
