Závadka, Humenné District

Závadka (Hungarian Homonnazávod - to 1902 Zavadka ) is a municipality in eastern Slovakia.

It lies about 5 kilometers west of the city Humenné at breakthrough of the river Ondavka west.

The town originated as Lokatorsiedlung by Wallachian settlers at the beginning of the 15th century, the oldest references dating back to the year 1543 and 1548. The reason had dominion over the place Home Auer rule of the family of the Drugeths.

Until 1918 the town was the county Semplin a part of the Kingdom of Hungary, after which they came to the newly created Czechoslovakia and since 1993 has been part of the reorganized Slovakia.

Worth the Catholic Church is in the classical style from 1770, for the new church, the foundation stone was laid in 1960.
