
The Zuozhuan (Chinese左传, W.-G. Tso Chuan ) or Zuozhuan Chunqiu (Chinese春秋 左传, Spring and Autumn (timeline) in the tradition of Zuo ') is the earliest Chinese work of narrative history and covers the period 722-468 BC. It was traditionally attributed to Zuo Qiuming, as a commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals, although many scholars consider for an independent work, which corresponded chronologically with the Annals and was put together with it.

The most respected modern scholars as Yang Bojun (杨伯峻), hold the work for during the time of the Warring States Period compiled, and consider it not written later than 389 BC.

It is one of the most important sources for understanding the history of the Spring and Autumn Period.

The book also contains the earliest mention of the board game Go to the section 25 Year of Duke Xiang of Lu ', which to the year 548 BC falls to the Gregorian calendar.

With its vibrant and concise language the Zuozhuan is also a jewel of classical Chinese prose. This work has been viewed together with the Shiji by many generations of Prosastilisten of ancient China as the ultimate role model.

Classic western translations are from the British missionary and sinologist James Legge ( in: The Chinese Classics ) and by the French missionary and sinologist Séraphin Couvreur (French Tch'ouen ts'ieou et Tso chuan ). A modern selection has worried Burton Watson.
