Eleanor F. Helin

Eleanor Francis " Glo " Helin (* November 19, 1932, † 25 January 2009) was an American astronomer who has discovered numerous asteroids and comets.

Helin worked for the Near Earth Asteroid Tracking ( NEAT) program at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and launched in 1973 at the Palomar Observatory, the Planet - Crossing Asteroid Survey ( PCAS ).

As part of their work they discovered themselves or were under their direction more than 800 asteroids discovered, including the first two Aten asteroid ( 2062 ) and Aten (2100) Ra - Shalom and the Apollo asteroid ( 4660 ) Nereus and ( 4769 ) Castalia and numerous Amor asteroids. In addition, the two Trojans ( 3240 ) and Laocoon ( 9969 ) Braille mentioned.

Helin discovered alone or with other some comets, among them 111P/Helin-Roman-Crockett, 117P/Helin-Roman-Alu, 132P/Helin-Roman-Alu, 151P/Helin and 152P/Helin-Lawrence.

You will also attributed to the rediscovery of the asteroid 4015 Wilson - Harrington and the comet 107P/Wilson-Harrington. Although Albert George Wilson and Robert G. Harrington, the body had already discovered a few decades ago, they did not make it at that time, through their observations to calculate a path, as it succeeded Helin.

The asteroid ( 3267 ) Glo is named after her and that after her nickname Glo.

In some sources it is also called Eleanor Kay Helin.
