
Ferentillo is a municipality with 1952 inhabitants ( 31 December 2012) in the Province of Terni in the Umbria region of Italy.


The municipality covers about 69 km ². It is located about 60 km southeast of Perugia and about 12 km northeast of Terni. The main town is divided by the river Nera in the districts Matter Ella and Precetto, each of a Rocca ( ​​fortress ) to be dominated.

Other districts include Ampognano, Castello Alto, Castellone Basso, Colle Olivo, Colli, Gabbio, Leazzano, Le Mura, Lorino, Macchialunga, Macelletto, Macenano, Terria, Monterivoso, Nicciano, Sambucheto and San Mamiliano.

The neighboring municipalities are Arrone, Leonessa (RI ), Monte Franco, Monteleone di Spoleto ( PG), Polino, Scheggino (PG) and Spoleto (PG).


The town came into being when Liutprand left 740 Ferentium and place founded as Ferentillo. The name came from the Latin Ferentum illi ( from Ferentium ), the place itself was closely associated with the Abbey of San Pietro in Valle in today's district Macenano. 1300 gave birth to Pope Boniface VIII, the Abbey of post-conflict governance in place and gave them into the hands of the Capitolo Lateran, which she was directly under the Papal States. 1415 Ferentillo fief was the Trinci family from Foligno. The place was in 1484 independently, when Pope Innocent VIII, the government of the church in the hands of his son Franceschetto Cybo. He married Maddalena de ' Medici. 1563 signed Alberico Cybo Malaspina the statute Status Ferentilli Serenissimi Ducis Massae Cybo, which confirmed the independence of Spoleto and the Papal State. This lasted until 1730, when Alderano Cybo sold the place to Benedetti Nicolò di Spoleto. After Rodolfo Gabrielli di Monte Vecchio followed as ruler, before the town was under to 1847 of the apostolic chamber and of Pius IX. was awarded to the Prince of Umbria and Precetto. Ferentillo 1860 independent community in the wake of the unification of Italy.


  • Abbazia di San Pietro in Valle, abbey in the district Macenano from the 8th century. Emerged as a magnifying the already built 535 Church of the Hermits and Giovanni Lazzaro.
  • Chiesa di San Biagio church in the district of San Mamiliano, the work contains Madonna with Child egg Ss. Pietro, Giovanni Biagio e Mamiliano by Giacomo Santoro (also known as Jacopo Siculo, * 1490 in Palermo, † 1544 in Rieti) from the year 1538.
  • Chiesa di Santo Stefano church in the district Precetto, contains works from the workshop of Perugino.
  • Collegiate of Santa Maria Church in the district of Matter Ella from the 13th century.
  • Museo delle mummie, Museum in the district Precetto which exposed mummies. Gotta mention in the film Nosferatu - Phantom der Nacht.
  • Museo degli antichi mestieri e della civiltà contadina, Museum in the district Monterivoso.
  • Museo della etnografico civiltà preindustriale della Valnerina, also called Etnomuseum Silvani.

Community partnerships

  • Sérignan- du- Comtat, Vaucluse, France

