Hernando Money

Hernando De Soto Money ( born August 26, 1839, in Zeigler's Ville, Holmes County, Mississippi; † September 18, 1912 in Biloxi, Mississippi ) was an American politician (Democratic Party), of the state of Mississippi in both chambers of the U.S. Congress represented.

Hernando Money, named after the Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto, was still a child when he and his family moved to Carrollton in Carroll County. There he attended the public school, but also received private lessons. He received his law degree from the University of Mississippi in Oxford, was admitted to the bar and practiced in the early 1860s as a lawyer in Carrollton.

As a young man he served during the American Civil War in the Confederate Army. After the war he gained an important position as a planter, lawyer and newspaper editor in Mississippi.

1875 drew Money, who was his entire political life of the Democratic Party, for the first time in the U.S. House of Representatives. After multiple re-election, he did not run in 1884 and retired the following year out of the Congress to get back to work as a lawyer. In 1891 he returned from Washington to Carrollton back, but two years later he went back the other way and was a second time until 1897 a member of the House of Representatives. This year, he then moved within the Congress in the Senate, after he had been appointed to succeed the late Senator James Z. George. The election for a full term of office followed in 1899, the re-election in 1905. Doing so, he was chairman of the Democratic Group from 1909 to 1911, when he decided to resign his mandate. He returned to Mississippi, where died on 18 September 1912.
