Minamisatsuma, Kagoshima

Minamisatsuma (Japanese南 さつま 市, -shi, literally " South Satsuma " ) is a town in Kagoshima Prefecture on the Satsuma Peninsula.


Minamisatsuma was on 7 November 2005 from the union of the city Kaseda (加 世 田 市, -shi), as well as the communities Bōnotsu (坊 津 町, chō ), Kasasa (笠 沙 町, chō ) and Ōura (大 浦 町, chō ) of the district Kawanabe and Kimpo (金峰 町, -chō ) of the district Hioki founded. The latter county was thereupon be dissolved.


  • Roads: National road 226, 270

Adjacent Cities and Towns

  • Makurazaki
  • Hioki
  • Minamikyushu