Voiceless palato-alveolar sibilant

The voiceless fricative postalveolare ( a voiceless, behind the alveoli educated fricative ) has in different languages ​​following phonetic and orthographic realizations:

  • German [ ʃ ]: Characterized by beautiful and s before p and t in initial position. Examples: Fish [ fɪʃ ], late [ ʃpɛ ː t], Voice [ ʃtɪmə ]
  • Examples: sheep [ ʃi ː p] sure [ ʃʊɹ ], passion [ p ʰ æʃn ] nation [ neɪʃn ] glacial [ gleɪʃl ]
  • Example: chaussure [ ʃosyʀ ]
  • Examples: scendi [ ʃɛndi ], conosciamo [ kɔnɔʃa ː mo]
  • Example: Şehir [ ʃɛhir ]