123 BC

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Heads of State

Year of the Earth horse戊午( at the beginning of the year Fire Snake丁巳)

Syria: 189/190 ( year in October )


Roman Empire

  • Gaius Sempronius Gracchus is the first time a Roman tribune and requested the additional gear Semproniae to continue the reform Gracchan his brother Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus from the year 133 BC
  • After the conquest of Gallia Narbonensis Marcus Fulvius Flaccus returns in triumph to Rome.
  • Rome conquered the Balearic Islands. Quintus Caecilius Metellus Balearicus founded the cities Pollentia (today Alcúdia) and Palma ( from Latin palma, palm of victory ).
  • Gaius Sempronius Gracchus founded a Roman colony in Taranto ( colonia Neptunia ).
  • 123/122 BC: Lex iudiciaria


  • The Seleucid ruler Antiochus VIII defeated the usurper Alexander II Zabinas crucial in the battle.



  • Alexander II Zabinas, King of the Seleucid Empire