1958 in radio

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  • The American company Ampex introduces a value based on the quadruplex system color video recorder. Magnetic imaging systems are found towards the end of the 1950s spread rapidly in the professional field and revolutionize television.
  • The U.S. engineer Jack Kilby developed the first integrated circuit for Texas Instruments.
  • January 1 - In Austria, ORF takes over the radio and television operation of the public administration. Thus, the reorganization of the broadcasting system is completed around two years after the end of the occupation.
  • January 25 - The first private TV station in West Germany, Telesaar is closed officially the Federal Republic after accession of the Saarland. Reason is the violation of the monopoly on radio.


  • The medium-wave transmitter VALUE ( Van Wert, Ohio) is founded.
  • February 24 - In Cuba, the propaganda station Radio Rebelde takes the Castroite rebels carries on.
  • April 1 - The BBC founded the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. In his own studio background noise, sound design and background music for BBC productions will be produced until 1998. The works produced there today great influence on the electronic music scene.
  • April 6 - Radio Luxembourg radiates from the first singles chart broadcast on German -speaking listeners.
  • June 18 - In Switzerland, the transmitter on Monte Ceneri is put into operation.
  • August 2 - Off the coast of Denmark Radio Mercur becomes the first European offshore station on its operation.
  • September 12 - The WDR in Cologne begins with the broadcast of the 8 -part radio drama Paul Temple and the Lawrence of Francis Durbridge with René Deltgen, Anne Marie Cordes and Kurt Lieck in the lead roles ( Director: Edward Hermann).
  • November 23 - The radio version of the American Western series Have Gun - Will Travel premiers. It is one of the rare cases in which a television production was adapted from the radio ( and not vice versa).




  • January 3 - Alexander Meissner, a physicist dies age of 74 in Berlin. He started in 1917 together with Hans Bredow the first experiments with tube transmitters.
  • March 7 - Oskar Czeija, Austrian broadcasting pioneer and radio entrepreneur dies 70 -year-old in Vienna. Czeija was from 1924 to 1938 and again after the war for a short time General of the radio traffic AG ( RAVAG ).