386 BC

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Year of wood sheep乙未( at the beginning of the year Wood Horse甲午)


Politics and World Affairs

Western Mediterranean

  • Marcus Furius Camillus, Quintus Servilius Fidenas, Lucius Horatius pulvillus, Servius Cornelius Maluginensis, Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus and Publius Valerius Potitus Poplicola be Roman Konsulartribunen.
  • The commander of the citadel of Syracuse Philistus is banished by Dionysius I of Syracuse. He settled in Thurii.
  • The senones quit after seven months of the siege and sack of Rome. This was preceded by high ransom payments.

" Vae Victis! "

" Woe to the vanquished! "

Eastern Mediterranean

  • In Sardis, the so-called King's Peace is proclaimed, which is to end the Corinthian war between the Greek city-states permanently. The Greek settlements in Ionia and Cyprus to the Persian Achaemenid Empire thus fall. The city-states undertake to autonomy, that is, organizations such as the Boeotian Federation or the Athenian Confederacy are banned. The fusion of Corinth and Argos is dissolved. Persia occurs as a guarantor of peace.


  • To 386 BC: In the Indian city of Vaishali, the second Buddhist Council is held.


  • (around 386 BC) Mithridates II, King of Chios († 302 BC)
  • Year ( 4th century BC)
  • 386 BC