Abrostola triplasia

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Dark gray Nettle Höckereule ( Abrostola triplasia )

The dark gray Nettle Höckereule ( Abrostola triplasia ) is a butterfly of the family of cutworms ( Noctuidae ).


Abrostola triplasia can easily with other Abrostola species, such as the milkweed - Höckereule ( Abrostola asclepiadis ) or the Silver Greys Nettle Höckereule ( Abrostola tripartita ) be confused. The caterpillars of the similar species, however, can be easily distinguished from each other. The moths of Abrostola agnorista are usually distinguishable only by genital examination of Abrostola triplasia.

The moth has a relatively narrow front wing which is why he looks more slender. There are no or only very thin black wire lines in Saumfeld in dark gray moths available. The Saumfeld is in the upper area of the same color as the midfield, or it is dark slate-gray to medium- gray, in the lower part yellowish interference may occur. The Basalfeld other hand, has a distinct yellow interference. The flaws are only weakly or not outlined in black. The significantly curved in the lower part of lateral line terminates at an acute angle on the inner edge.


Abrostola triplasia is the most widespread species of the genus Abrostola. The range extends from Morocco to Japan. An exception is subarctic areas with an annual average temperature of below 6 ° C. In the warmest and driest regions of the Mediterranean, the Middle East and the xeromontanen Mountain West and Central Asia, the species is found only scattered before or missing entirely.

Way of life

The quite common Falter forms two generations per year, which fly from mid-April to September, sometimes even into October. The caterpillars feed exclusively nettles and rarely hops. The species overwinters as a pupa.


In a wide variety of web sites and in some literature on the genus Abrostola is confusion because in the Linnaean collection both the silver-gray Abrostola tripartita and the dark gray Abrostola triplasia under the name " Phalaena Noctua triplasia " were represented, which is why the dark gray Abrostola Type 1864 A. Trigemina has been renamed. Through meticulous analysis of the Linnaean material 1993 by Mikkola & Honey could be detected, which are examples of the types of Linnaeus' time Abrostola originate and what the collection were added later. This continued from the mid-1990s for the silver-gray kind of present name Abrostola tripartita and for the dark gray type the original name Abrostola triplasia by.
