Aero California

Aerocalifornia was a Mexican airline. She flew into Mexico to several dozen airports, and connected the major cities in the southwestern U.S. with tourist destinations and hubs in Mexico. Since August 2008, flights from Aerocalifornia are set again.


The airline was established in 1960.

Apparently, the Aero California has ceased its operations in the first days of April 2006 due to bankruptcy. It was neither the websites of the airline reached nor were any JR flights bookings ( you have been in the booking systems no longer displayed).

In July 2006, the operations were resumed after almost exactly 90 days. With an initial eight DC9 -50, the company was innermexikanisch resumed and expanded considerably over the year again in 2007, as the newly employed low-cost principle seemed to work well.

Nevertheless Aerocalifornia had to suspend again because of unpaid debts and airports its flights on 24 July 2008. Since August 2, 2008 Aerocalifornia has ceased operations. The site is now offline and the airline by telephone unattainable.


Your name, the Company has, therefore, that a major focus of rail network lies in Baja California, where she served practically all airports, namely: Tijuana, Mexicali, Loreto, La Paz and Los Cabos.


(As of March 2008)

  • 21 Douglas DC- 9-30