Aguarico River

Suspension bridge over the Aguarico in the province of Sucumbios

Template: Infobox River / Obsolete

The (Río ) Aguarico (Spanish for rich in water) is a river in Ecuador.

The Aguarico arises from the confluence of the Río Chinguales with the Río Cofanes. The Chinguales rises in the far north of the country in the Andes near the Ecuadorian- Colombian border between Tulcán and Ipiales. From there it flows into the province of Carchi initially predominantly to the south the Andes down before in the province of Sucumbios the Ecuadorian part of the Amazon basin reaches, at its confluence with the Cofanes whose headwaters to the south along the eastern slopes of the Andes on the border of the provinces Imbabura and Sucumbios spring. In the province of Sucumbios the Aguarico flows mainly towards the east with a slight north-south orientation. It happened, among other El Dorado de Cascales and Nueva Loja, the capital of Sucumbios.

In the last part of its course it forms the southern border of the province of Sucumbios first to the province of Orellana, before he turns to the mouth of the Lagartococha to south and forms the border with Peru. On Selbiger it flows west, a Peruvian city in the Napo Pantoja, whose waters, in turn flow into the Amazon.

Overall, the Aguarico is about 390 kilometers long. Important additions and tributaries are on the left side of the Río Dorado ( which flows into the Cofanes ), the Río Dureno, the Río Cuyabeno ( with its tributaries Aguas Negras and Balatayacu ) and the right side of the Río Dué, the Río Eno, the Rio Shushufindi and Yanayacu (just before the mouth ).

In the province of Orellana a canton bears the name of Aguarico. Its main town is Nuevo Rocafuerte but the Napo. The canton is bounded to the north and east by the Aguarico. Also, the Apostolic Vicariate Aguarico the Roman Catholic Church for the area of the very sparsely populated Amazonian lowlands (based in Puerto Francisco de Orellana ) is named after the river.

Along the Aguarico and its tributaries live many indigenous communities of Amazonia, including Cofanes and Secoyas. The tropical forests, which flows through the Aguarico, are very rich in species, living in the river itself, among other dolphins. In many areas around the Aguarico there are oil deposits in their exploitation, it came several times in the past accidents that polluted the river. At a length of about 85 kilometers runs in the Amazon Basin, a petroleum pipeline, which belongs partly to the first national oil line Oleoducto Transecuatoriano, parallel to the river.
