
59.09972227.655833Koordinaten: 59 ° 6 ' N, 27 ° 39' O

Agusalu is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Illuka ( Illuka vald ). It is located in Ida -Viru county (East Wierland ) in northeastern Estonia.

Description and History

The village has 16 inhabitants ( 2011).

Agusalu was first recorded in 1853 in a document. Six years later, 190 people lived in the village.

For nature lovers Agusalu is known for its extensive peatland. The existing since 1981 reserve with its marsh is 2.7 square kilometers in size. In the swampy forest landscape of Agusalu the two lakes are Agusalu järv (6.3 hectares) and Väike Agusalu järv (4 hectares).
