
59.16777827.473333Koordinaten: 59 ° 10 ' N, 27 ° 28' O

Ongassaare is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Illuka ( Illuka vald ). It is located in Ida -Viru county (East Wierland ) in northeastern Estonia.

Description and History

The village has 18 inhabitants ( 2011).

The place bears only its present name since 1975. Formerly called the village Kõnnu.

The most famous son of the town is the Estonian composer Alfred Karindi ( 1901-1969 ). At his birthplace, a memorial plaque was unveiled in 1986.

In the forest at Ongassaare are two popular with nature lovers and anglers lakes, Ümmargune järv (1.6 hectares) and the Pikkjärv (2.1 hectares). Both lakes connects a small stream. When Pikkjärv is the source of the river Alajõgi, which flows into Lake Peipus.
