Kurtna, Ida-Viru County

59.27333327.494444Koordinaten: 59 ° 16 ' N, 27 ° 30' E

Kurtna is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Illuka ( Illuka vald ). It is located in Ida -Viru county (East Wierland ) in northeastern Estonia.


The village has 205 inhabitants (as of 2011 ). It more than twelve miles from the city Jõhvi of forty kilometers from Narva.

The place was first mentioned in records in 1241 Liber Census Daniæ. 1480 was first mentioned in connection with the Order Castle of Vasknarva the Ordensgut Kurtna. It later became the manor.

Get the 1880 built mansion of the estate. It was built in the style of historicism with strong neo-Gothic elements. In addition, the manager's house from 1911 is made ​​of red stone.

Lake District Kurtna

For nature lovers, especially the lake district of Kurtna ( Kurtna järvestik ) is known. With 42 lakes, it is the largest lake district in Estonia. The heavily forested area in 1987 declared an area of ​​2,557 hectares of nature reserve. The largest lake is the consumer järv with an area of ​​136 hectares.
