Alberto Guani

Alberto guanidine ( born June 14, 1877 in Montevideo, † November 25, 1956 in Montevideo) was an Uruguayan jurist, diplomat and vice - president of his country from 1943 to 1947 He was a member of the Partido Colorado..

Alberto guanidine studied law at the Universidad de la República and a doctorate then. From 1907 to 1910 he was a deputy. He entered the diplomatic service and served as Executive Vice President in Austria - Hungary, Switzerland (1911 ), Belgium and the Netherlands (1913 ), France ( 1925-1926 ) and the United Kingdom ( 1936-1938 ). In addition, he was the representative of Uruguay to the League of Nations.

From 1938 to 1943 under President Alfredo Baldomir guanidine served as foreign minister. In the presidential elections in 1943 Juan José de Amézaga won and guanidine was Vice President. From 1943 to 1947 he was president of the Cámara de Senadores.

Awards (selection)

  • Commandeur de la Légion d' Honneur
  • Order of Leopold