Alexander Rudnay

Alexander Rudnay (Hungarian Sándor Rudnay ) ( born October 4, 1760 Svätý Kríž nad Váhom ( Vágszentkereszt; ger then Heyl Creütz ), County Neutra, † September 13, 1831 in Gran ( Esztergom ), Hungary ) was a Hungarian Cardinal and Archbishop of Esztergom Slovak ethnicity.


Rudnay attended high school in Nitra and studied theology and philosophy in Pressburg ( Bratislava), Trnava ( Trnava) and Ofen (Buda ). In 1784 he became a doctor of theology and a year later his ordination. First chaplain in Schattmann village ( Častá ) and actuary of the Archbishop Generalvikariats in Trnava, Rudnay was further in Kaplan St. Benedict ( Hronský Beňadik ) 1786 1787 Archivist, later secretary, and in 1789 Chancellor of the Generalvikariats in Trnava. In the same year he became pastor in Koros ( Krušovce ). In Trnava Rudnay was canon 1805, 1806 rector of the seminary, 1808 Abbot, Vicar General of the Archbishop of Esztergom, Titular Bishop and member of the Hungarian Lieutenancy, 1809 Provost and Councillor of the Hungarian Court Chancellery. Rudnay 1816 was appointed bishop of Transylvania, in 1819 Archbishop of Gran ( Esztergom ) and thus to the Prince Primate of Hungary. He has also held the political functions of Secretary of the Hungarian Court Chancellery, the Privy Council and a member of the Septemviraltafel. In 1825 he was crowned the Empress Carolina Augusta to the Queen and 1830 Crown Prince Ferdinand as King of Hungary. 1828 was Rudnay by Leo XII. appointed cardinal.


Rudnay 1820 moved the seat of the Archdiocese of Esztergom and Chapter of Trnava back to Gran ( Esztergom ) and donated the Trnava chapter. In 1822 he began in Gran with the construction of the Cathedral and the Archbishop's Palace. His desire to make the reforms of Josephine church policy reverses the purpose for which it has a national synod convened to Pressburg in 1822, met with the Hungarian government resistance.

Rudnay played a quite important role in the modern nation- the Slovaks. He supported the work Bernoláks to enforce the western Slovak dialect of Slovak literary language and participated in the publication of the dictionary. He also promoted the creation of a Bible edition in Slovakian. In addition, he was a member and supporter of the Slovak Learned Society ( Slovenské učené tovarišstvo ). Social and charitable foundations enabled destitute gifted studies. He was by his parable: I am a Slovak, and even if I would sit on the throne of the [ Holy ] Peters, I remain a Slovak.

  • Erköltsi Keresztény Oktatások különösen a fenyitö házakban raboskodónak remélhetö megjobbitásokra ( Christian moral teaching, especially for the relief of prisoners ). 1819
  • Kázne príhodné, ai ine, to confess: 82 Reci ... duchownich ( casual and other sermons, that is: 82 spiritual speeches ... ). 1833
  • Various pastoral letters, speeches and sermons in Single


2002 dedicated the Slovak Post Rudnay a special stamp and a stamp block.
