Ansbach (automobile)

The vehicle factory Ansbach was a German commercial vehicle and car manufacturers, who was a resident from 1906 to 1914 in Ansbach.

In addition to various commercial vehicles in 1910 was also a small passenger car, the owl. He was equipped with a 4/14-PS-Vierzylindermotor, the (10,3 kW) gave 1.0 liter displacement, a power of 14 hp. Due to the utilization of the factory with the commercial vehicle unit sales of the owl remained low.

In 1919 Ansbach Justus Christian Brown Premier works in Nuremberg, whereby the Faun GmbH was created.


  • Halwart Schrader: German cars from 1886 to 1920. 1st edition. Engine book publishing house, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 3-613-02211-7, page 28

Aachen | AAG | ABAM | Eagle | Aegir | Alliance | Allright | Altmann | AMG | Andreas | Anchor | Ansbach | Apollo | Argus | Asdomobil | Asclepius | Attila | Audi | Autognom | Beckmann | BEF | Behr | Benz | Berger | Miner Metallurgique | Berolinahaus | Lightning | BMF | Boes | Brandt | Brown | Brennabor | Bugatti | C. Benz Söhne | Chatel- Jeannin | Cito | Clou Mobile | Colibri | Corona | COS | Coswiga | Cudell | Cyklon | Daimler | De Dietrich | Deka | Dessau | Dessavia | Germany | Deutz | Dixi | Dreyhaupt | Ducommun | Duerkopp | Dux | Dynamobil | EBM | Ehrhardt | Ehrhardt decauville | Unicycle | Ekamobil | Electra | Elites' | EMW | Engelhardt | Erdmann | Excelsior - Mascot | Express | FAF | Fafnir | Falcon | Bookmark | FEG | Feldmann | Fiedler | Fischer (1902-1905) | Fishing (1912-1913) | Flakes | Foth | Fulgura | Fulmina | Gaggenau | Geha | Göricke | Gottschalk | Hammonia | Hansa | Hartmann | Heilbronn | Heinle & Wegelin | Helios | Henschel | Hermes simplex | Witch | Hille | Horch | Hüttis & Hardebeck | Always mobile | Imperator | Kamper | KAW | Kayser | Kempten | KEW | Kliemt | Klingenberg | Cologne engine car | Komnick | Kondor | Warriors | Krupkar | Kruse | Cold stone | lark | Liliput | Lloyd | Lorelei | Loutzky | LUC | Lueders | Lutzmann | Lux | MAF | Magdeburg | Magnet | Mars | Martinot et Galland | Mathis | Mason - Union | Maxwerke | Mayer | Mercedes | Meyrel | Miele | MMB | mono | MVD | Nacke | NAG | NAIG | Neuss | Noris | NSU | Opel | Orient Express | Oryx | Panther | Pasing | Patria | Pekrun | Tiller | phenomenon | Piccolo | Planet | Podeus | Polymobil | Presto | Priamus | Primus | Progress | Protos | Raven - Mobile | RAW | Record | Regent | Reissig | Rex - Simplex | SAF | Scheele | Scheibler | Schilling | Schuckert | Schulz | Seidel & Naumann | Sekurus | Seal | Siegfried | Siemens -Schuckert | Samson | Solidor | hawk | Standard | Stella | Steudel | Stoewer | Sun | Superior | typhoon | Taunus | Tempelhof | Thuringian motor car factory | Tippmann | Tourist | Tresckow | Trio Mobile | Ulmann | Ultra Mobile | Utermöhle | VCS | velomobile | Vesuvius | Victoria | Vindelica | Vogtland | Volcano | Wanderer | Wartburg | Weichelt | White | Wenkelmobil | general | Westfalia | Windhoff | Wunderlich | Central mobile

  • Former commercial vehicle manufacturers
  • Former car manufacturers ( Germany )
  • Former company ( Bavaria )
  • Companies ( Ansbach )
  • Established in 1906
  • Dissolved in 1914