Art critic

Describe art critic, evaluate and classify each contemporary works of visual art according to historical, aesthetic, formal and generic criteria. As art critic profession first emerged in the 17th century in France in appearance. Your art reviews have been and are active mainly in the features section of periodicals (dailies and weeklies), in professional journals and books as monographs.


A specific university degree in art criticism does not exist. Art critics are therefore self-taught, but who have often completed an elaborate scientific study and / or bring their knowledge and experience from related education courses and / or private practice in the field of visual arts.

Work areas

According to the International Association of Art Critics ( AICA ) may be described as an art critic those individuals who are active in the following four sectors:

  • Press periodicals, radio broadcasts, television or video, electronic media;
  • Publication of works on art history, aesthetics and criticism;
  • Teaching in art criticism, art history, aesthetics, the Curator system or in the arts at a higher to the highest level;
  • Curating and research with the aim of education or science, including scientific or critical texts for museums or galleries, whose main goal is not commercial in nature.

The job title is not protected in Germany - anyone can call himself an art critic and act as such.

Well-known art critic

This list is by no means exhaustive, examined here, however, at least some of the most recognized art critic named.
