Avenida Córdoba

The Córdoba is one of the main thoroughfares in the Argentine capital Buenos Aires. It is about eight kilometers long and traverses a total of nine districts.


As the Avenida del Libertador and Avenida Alvear was the Avenida Córdoba, a city planning project of then Mayor Torcuato de Alvear. In this project, the Avenida Córdoba was widened in the 1880s. In the 1930s, the line D subway of Buenos Aires was built in large part under the Avenida. In 1967 she became a one-way street, since then has from east to west and is therefore one of the main routes in rush hour traffic for commuters who work in the business district of San Nicolás.

History and important buildings

The Avenida Córdoba has its beginning at Avenida Eduardo Madero as a continuation of Cecilia Grierson street in Puerto Madero, in the east of the city. Then leads you through the commercial center and forms the border between Retiro in the north and San Nicolás in the south. Here you will find the South American headquarters of Microsoft, which opened in 2000, and the Alas - building. The latter was built in the early 1950s during the reign of Juan Perón for the Argentine Air Force and was with its 42 floors until 1995 the tallest building in Argentina. A couple of blocks to cross the Avenida Córdoba pedestrian Calle Florida. Is the shopping center Galerias Pacífico, which was built in 1889 as a counterpart to the Paris department store Le Bon Marché on the southeast corner. The eclectic style facade of the Beaux Arts is reflected in the opposite building of the Association of Marine Officers.

Is Café St. James, where the writer Jorge Luis Borges was a regular guest and held in the 1950s and 1960s lectures on English literature at the intersection Maipú Street. In the 1950s the Avenida 9 de Julio was extended along the Avenida Córdoba addition. At the intersection of two avenues today are two wells that were originally in the Plaza de Mayo. At this intersection, also built by the Italian automaker Fiat in 1965 his Argentine headquarters.

One block to take the Avenida Córdoba on Libertad Street. There you can see the Plaza Lavalle, the Teatro Cervantes and the Templo Libertad, the main synagogue in Buenos Aires see. Further west, passing through the Avenida del Palacio Aguas Argentina ( dt: Water Palace), a pumping station, which was built in 1877. Opposite stands the College of Education Sáenz Peña. On the Avenida you will find more and various buildings of the University of Buenos Aires, including the School of Medicine and the University Hospital and the Faculty of Economics. Also the Conservatorio Nacional Superior de Música (Argentina ) ( National Conservatory ) is here.

After the junction of Avenida Callao Avenida Córdoba between the neighborhoods of Recoleta and the Jewish Quarter Balvanera runs. Here is the building of the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina, the original building was destroyed in 1994 by a still do not enlightened terrorist attack.

The Avenida Córdoba then continues past Almagro, Villa Crespo and Palermo. Between Villa Crespo and Palermo Avenida occupies a north-westerly direction. The section along the Avenida Villa Crespo is also known for its many clothing and shoe stores. The Avenida Córdoba ends on Avenida Federico Lacroze, leads geographically but as Giribone Street eight blocks away in the Chacarita neighborhood into it.

Pictures of Avenida Córdoba
