
Ayata is a village in the department of La Paz in the South American Andes State of Bolivia.

Location in near space

Ayata is the central place of the district ( bolivian: Municipio) Ayata in the province Muñecas. The small settlement Ayata lies at an altitude of 2705 m in a deep V-shaped valley on the left bank of a left tributary of the Río Llica flowing over the Río Mapiri the Río Beni.


Ayata located on an average altitude of 4000 m east of Lake Titicaca and is part of the Andes mountain range of the Cordillera Central. The climate of the region is a typical diurnal climate where the temperatures during the day have more differences than in the course of the year.

The mean annual temperature of the region is 9.4 ° C (see climate chart Ayata ), the monthly values ​​vary between 7 ° C in June / July and nearly 11 ° C in November / December. The annual rainfall in the long-term average is 800 mm, and during the winter months of June and July are arid with less than 10 mm month precipitation reaching the summer months from December to March values ​​from 100 to 140 mm.

Traffic network

Ayata is located 275 km from La Paz, the capital of the department of the same name.

From La Paz the paved highway Ruta 2 runs north 70 kms to Huarina, from there the Ruta 16 through Achacachi and Puerto Carabuco about another 95 km along largely unpaved roads to Escoma. From there, the Ruta 16 towards branches off to the northeast and crosses Mocomoco by Chuma and on to Ayata.


The population of the town was in the 2001 census at 147 residents.

Because of the historical population development at the interface between Aymara and Quechua - speaking population in the municipality of Ayata 56.1 percent of the population, the Quechua and Aymara language 43.3 percent, the main language spoken is Spanish, only 25 percent of the population.
