
Anzère, community Ayent

Ayent is a municipality in the district Hérens in the French speaking part of the canton of Valais in Switzerland. The municipality consists of the settlements Botyre, Luc, Saxonne, La Place, Blignou, Fortunoz, Saint- Romain, Signèse, Villa, Argnou and Anzère.


Ayent is on the right side of the valley of the Rhone separated from the rest of the district. In the north, the area extends up to the Wildhorn. The south location from the Wildhorn Wildhorn Glacier is for the most part on the territory of the municipality. In the north- east of the district leigt the Lac de Tseuzier.

Neighboring town of Ayent are in the north Lenk im Simmental ( BE), in the east Icogne, in the southeast of Saint- Léonard, in the south of the capital of the canton customs, in the southwest Grimisuat, in Weseten Arbaz, in the northwest Savièse ind in the north-northwest Lauenen (BE).


