Lac de Tseuzier

Arch dam and Erdschüttdamm side by side

The Lac de Tseuzier is located in the Canton of Valais in the communities Ayent and Icogne.

You can reach the lake over the Rhone valley. From Sion to drive Fortunoz to the last big town. After that performs a serpentine mountain road to the reservoir. On foot it is also about the Rawilpass or Schnidejoch from the canton of Bern to the lake.


Were completed, the arch dam Zeuzier and Erdschüttdamm Proz - Riond in 1957.


Originally, the Simmental motorway should (then National Road N6) are guided over the Rawil pass into the Valais - a tunnel would come close to lie at the Tzeuzier Dam. Since in boreholes larger movements at the wall than expected occurred, not only the lake level was lowered; it was one of the reasons that the highway had been delayed for years until it was finally abandoned. With the Lötschberg base tunnel was completely obsolete.

Swiss reservoirs with a capacity of about 10 million m³: Albigensian Nasee | Arnensee | Lago Bianco | Brenet | Lago dei Cavagnöö | Lac de Cleuson | Lai da Curnera | Davosersee | Lac des Dix | Lac d' emosson | Engstlensee | Gelmersee | Giger Waldsee | Göscheneralpsee | Greyerzersee | Griessee | Grimselsee | Lac de l ' Hongrin | Klingnauer reservoir | Klöntalersee | Lago di Lei | Limmerensee | Lago di Livigno | Lago di Lucendro | Lungerersee | Lago di Luzzone | Lai da Marmorera | Mattmarksee | Lac de Mauvoisin | Lac de Moiry | Lake Montsalvens | Lac de Moron | Lai da Nalps | Lago del NARET | Oberaarsee | Lac de Perolles | Lago di Poschiavo | Räterichsbodensee | Lago Ritom | Lac de Salanfe | Lago del Sambuco | Schiffenensee | Sihl | Lai da Sontga Maria | Sufnersee | Toules | Lago Tremorgio | Lac de Tseuzier | Lac du Vieux emosson | Lago di Vorgorno | Wägitalersee | Wohlensee | Zervreilasee

  • Lake in the canton of Valais
  • Reservoir in Europe
  • Reservoir in Switzerland
  • Dam in Switzerland
  • Dam in Switzerland
  • Arch dam
  • Erdschüttdamm
  • Ayent
  • Icogne
  • Built in the 1950s