Bakhtiari dialect

Spoken in


  • Indo-Iranian Iranian Westiranisch Südwestiranisch ( Perside ) Lurische language


The Bachtiarische language is a südwestiranischer dialect that is spoken by the people in Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari Bachtiyārī, Western and parts of Khuzestan and Lorestan Isfahan.

It is closely related to the Boir - Ahmadi dialect, the dialect and the Kohgīlūya Mamasani dialect in the northwest of Fars Province. These dialects are together with the Lori dialects of Lorestan (especially the Khorramabadi dialect) called the " Perseidae " South Zagrosgruppe or Lori dialects.

There are transitional dialects between the language and Lori - Bakhtiari südkurdischen ', and Lori - Bakhtiari, in turn, can be regarded as Übergangsidiom between Kurdish and Persich. Bachtiarisch is caused extinction, as more and more speakers proceed to the standard Lurische or - due to the Iranian language policy, which only allows Farsi - Persian and Arabic to take over as their mother tongue.


Pictures of Bakhtiari dialect
