
Castle Barbareche

Barberêche (? Freiburg Patois Barberètse / i ) is a municipality in the District du Lac (German: lake district ) of the Canton of Fribourg in Switzerland. Situated on the language border village bears the name of Germany Bärfischen.


Barberêche is located on 569 m above sea level. M., 5,5 km north of the capital of the canton of Fribourg (air line). The scattered settlement community extends a scenic location on a terrace north of the carrying of the Sarine Schiffenen, at the foot of the hill of Grand Bois, in Fribourg plateau.

The area of ​​9.1 km ² large municipality area includes a portion of the Molassehügellandes in Fribourg plateau. The long but narrow area is bounded on the southeast by Schiffenensee. This reservoir has almost the entire length of the soil community of Barberêche on a 20 to 50 m high, wooded bluffs, which is partially covered by sandstone cliffs. In the lake merge several short Erosionstälchen whose lowermost region was flooded by the damming of the water. The little valley divide the country terrace of Barberêche in various plateaus, to the connect the tertiary sandstone in the northwest.

In the extreme south and southwest of the municipal area of the valley of Courtepin extends to the flat mouth of the creek Sonnaz in the Schiffenensee. To the west of the area ranges in the Bois de la Corbaz (up to 650 m above sea level. M. ) and at the forest edge of the Bois de l' Hôpital (660 m above sea level. M. ). To the northeast, the communal land extends over the height of Breilles ( 668 m above sea level. M. the highest point of Barberêche ), the forest of Bouley and the Grand Bois and the Bulliardholz (up to 660 m above sea level. M. ) to the foot the large timber at Kleingurmels. From the municipality surface 1997 accounted for 5% on settlements, 21 % of forest and shrubs, 60 % to agriculture and about 14% was unproductive land ( lake area ).

Barberêche consists of several settlements, namely:

  • The actual village Barberêche ( 569 m above sea level. M. )
  • The village Pensier (German: Penzers ), 584 m above sea level. M., on the confluence of the Sonnaz in the Schiffenensee
  • The hamlet Hobelet (German: Hubel ), 655 m above sea level. M., at the height above Pensier,
  • The hamlet of Villaret, 610 m above sea level. M., above the valley of Courtepin
  • The hamlet Breilles (German: Brigels ), 640 m above sea level. M., at the edge of Bouley,
  • The hamlet of Petit Vivy (German: Klein- Vivers ), 590 m above sea level. M., east on the terrace above the Schiffenensee of Grand Bois
  • The hamlet Grand Vivy (German: Gross- Vivers ), 565 m above sea level. M., on the terrace above the Schiffenensee east of Bulliardholzes
  • The hamlet Grimoine (German: Courmoen ), 565 m above sea level. M., on the terrace above the Schiffenensee south of Kleingurmels.

Neighboring communities of Barberêche are La Sonnaz Courtion, Courtepin, Gurmels and Duedingen.


With 514 inhabitants ( 31 December 2012) Barberêche one of the smaller municipalities in the canton of Fribourg. The settlement of emphasis in Pensier with about 250 inhabitants, the village Barberêche live around 100 people. The population of Barberêche amounted in 1850 to 389 residents in 1900 to 507 inhabitants. After peaking in 1960 with 674 inhabitants, the population increased to 1980 due to strong migration by over 25 % to 499 persons. Since then, a slight increase in population was recorded again.


Of the 74.2% of residents are French-speaking, German-speaking and 21.8% 1.3% speak Portuguese (as of 2000). The people of the congregation said, until the 15th century almost exclusively German. After the French-speaking proportion slowly increased and during the 18th and in the 19th century, the village was bilingual. Since about 1860, the French-speakers are in the majority.


Barberêche was until the second half of the 20th century, mainly coined by farming village. Even today, the farming, fruit growing and cattle breeding have an important place in the economic structure of the population. More jobs are in small local manufacturing and services available. In Pensier there is an industrial area. Until 1976 Barberêche was the site of a boarding school ( Institut Saint -Dominique ). In recent decades, the village has developed into a residential community. Many workers are therefore commuters who work mainly in the region of Freiburg.


The community is conveniently comparatively quite well developed, even though it is off the major thoroughfares. The nearest links to the motorway A12 ( Bern -Vevey ) is located about 5 km from the center. On August 23, 1898, the railway line from Fribourg to Murten was opened with a station in Pensier. The village itself has Barberêche no connection to the public transport network.


The territory of Barberêche was settled very early, which could be demonstrated by the discovery of graves from the Hallstatt and foundations second Roman farms.

The first written mention of the village was carried out in 1154 under the name Barbereschi. Later, the names Barber Ash ( 1173 ), Barbaresco Ash ( 1180), Barbareschi ( 1182 ) and Barbarica ( 1423 ) published. The name goes back to the family names Barbarian (i ) us.

Since the 12th century, a noble family of Barberêche is detected. The rule Barberêche under stood at the beginning of the Dukes of Zahringen, then came as a fief of the Counts of Thierstein, before there were numerous changes of ownership since the 15th century. In 1442 Barberêche came to the old landscape Freiburg ( Spitalpanner ). After the collapse of the ancien régime (1798 ) belonged to the village during the Helvetic Republic and the subsequent time to the district of Freiburg and from 1831 to the German district of Freiburg, before it was incorporated in 1848 with the new cantonal constitution in the lake district.


The parish church of Saint- Maurice goes back to the 11th century in the core. It was enlarged and rebuilt 1785-1786 in the 19th century and again has a choir with a semicircular apse and blind arcades in early medieval style. The church contains within its wall paintings from the 18th century, wood carvings and coats of arms ( stained glass ). The standing next to the church parsonage dates back from 1566.

At the edge of the plateau, just above the Schiffenensee, the Barberêche castle rises. It was from 1552 to 1528 probably built on the site of an older building attachment under Peter Mann de Praroman in late Gothic style. From 1839 to 1844 extensive alterations were made, the castle took on its present shape in style forms of the Gothic Revival and neo-classicism. Today, the castle is privately owned.

Also on the steep banks of the Schiffenen is north-east of the castle Barberêche Petit- Vivy. It is one of the oldest surviving castles in the region. The still preserved, massive square keep dates from the second half of the 13th century and has up to 3.5 m thick walls. To the keep are the remains of the ancient walls visible in the shape of a triangle. The residential buildings were built in the 16th century.

Still further to the northeast lies the Castle Grand Vivy on a narrow ledge between the Schiffenensee and a left side creek. Again, since the Middle Ages, a castle, but this was in 1616 replaced by the current late-Gothic castle with a semi-circular stair tower and another tower. The standing next chapel dates from the 19th century.

The Schiffenensee at Pensier

Station Pensier

Chapel of St. Antoine in Pensier


Joseph Deiss, politician and former Federal Councillor. Former Mayor of Barberêche.

Pictures of Barberêche
