Battle of Lake Benacus

Mediolanum - Augusta Vindelicorum - Lacus Benaco - Placentia - Fano - Pavia - Langres - Vindonissa - Autun - Reims - Brumath - Senonae - Argentoratum - Solicinium - Argentovaria

The Battle of the Lacus Benaco (Latin for Lake Garda) was held on the shores of Lake Garda in northern Italy between the Alemanni and the Romans under Emperor Claudius Gothicus in November of the year 268.

During the year 268 broke through a alamannisches army of about 100,000 soldiers on the border of the burner and penetrated deeply into Roman territory. The Roman army was weakened and otherwise bound by an invasion of the Goths at the Battle of Naissus due to internal unrest. Unimpeded, the Alamanni were able to occupy large parts of northern Italy. Claudius Gothicus attempted through negotiations, the Alemanni to move to withdraw. When this failed, he decided to fight on the shores of Lake Garda. The Emperor won with his 35,000 soldiers a triumphant victory and could more than half of the opposing Alemanni kill or capture. The Alemanni escaped fled back across the Alps.

The figures of warriors were probably greatly exaggerated by the Roman historians to make the Roman victory appear glamorous.

