Benito Quinquela Martín

Benito Quinquela Martín (born 1 March 1890 in Buenos Aires; ? † January 28, 1977 ) was a major Argentine painters.


Quinquela Martín's birthday can not be accurately determined. He was suspended on March 21, 1890 at an orphanage. On a note that was found in the child, was written: " This child was baptized and his name is Benito Juan Martín. ". The nuns who found him, deduced from its external appearance that he was about three weeks old. Thus March 1st was chosen as his birthday.

When he was six years old, he was adopted by Manuel Molina and Justina de Chinchella and took the surname of his stepfather. Later, the surname was changed into Spanish and was Quinquela.

At 14, he attended an undemanding night school for drawing in La Boca. During the day he worked on the Kohlehof the family. When he was 17, he joined the Pezzini Stiatessi Conservatory, where he remained until 1920.


In 1910 he began, mainly in La Boca and its surroundings, to show images in smaller art exhibitions. He received in 1920 the second prize at the Salón Nacional ( Spanish, " National Exhibition "). Following an exhibition in Mar del Plata in the same year he was sent as Argentine representative for exhibition in Rio de Janeiro on the Brazilian personalities present were also important, such as the President Epitacio Pessoa.

In the 1920s, Marcelo T. de Alvear and his wife were very impressed by the works of Quinquela Martín. Because of this admiration a lasting friendship was born.

He devoted himself in his works today picturesque -looking mood of the poor district and port area of La Boca in the south of the Argentine capital, Buenos Aires. A large collection of his works can be seen today in the Museo Quinquela Martín.

From Quinquela Martín came the idea to paint in bright colors the houses of the street El Caminito in La Boca.

Famous Works

The best-known works are: Tormenta en el Astillero ( Musée du Luxembourg, Paris), Puente de la Boca (St. James 's Palace, London) and Crepúsculo en el astillero (Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires ).

Pictures of Benito Quinquela Martín
