
Mayor / in: ? (DTA )

Chief Executive Officer:

Last election: 2010

Next election: 2015

Address of the city administration:

Geographic coordinates: 25 ° 59'46 "S, 17 ° 46'2 " E

Height: 1590

Beersheba is a village in the same constituency in the Beersheba region südnamibischen ǁ Karas.

Beersheba is located 25 kilometers south of the Brukkaroskraters (1590 m ) in the region of the Great Fish River. Beersheba is one of the few places where you can find the famous blue ground, the mother earth of the South African diamonds. 1898 a diamond was found in the area, exploratory drilling for oil in 1900 and 1929 were carried out without industrially exploitable deposits could be documented.

History Beersheba was the headquarters of the tribe of Beersheba. 1850 was the site of a mission as well as its current name. Today also include Beersheba the county government, an airfield and numerous facilities for tourism.

Local Politics

In the 2010 local elections the following official final result was determined.

