

The Borzsony seen from the castle ruins of Nógrád from (view to northwest )

The Borzsony [ børʒøɲ ], German Pils also Mountains, is part of the Northern Hungarian Mountain range in the Carpathian foothills. It is of volcanic origin. Are the highest peaks in the Borzsony, including the Csóványos ( [ va ː ː ʧo ɲoʃ ] ), which is the highest elevation of the low mountain with 938 meters to a former crater rim. The area covers about 400 square kilometers and covers parts of the counties of Pest and Nógrád. Most of the known for its variety of natural springs area is a nature reserve.


The present shape of the Borzsony was formed in the period of Miocene epoch, 18-19 million years ago. It consists primarily of volcanic rock. At the edge of the central mountain range and on the south side of the basin sedimentary rocks are found. The original form has been greatly eroded by the action of the once dominant subtropical climate.

Thousands of years ago humans settled in the area. Even today, the traces of their presence are visible. From a later time, numerous churches and castles including the Drégelyvár, Hont Vara Ipolydamásdi vár or Nógrádi can be found in the field, vár.


The Borzsony can be divided into four parts divided: Magas - Borzsony ( "High Pils Mountains" ), Észak - Borzsony ( " Northern Pils Mountains" ), Nyugat Borzsony ( " Western Pils Mountains" ) and Deli - Borzsony ( " Southern Pils Mountains" ).

Magas - Borzsony The middle part of Borzsony has formed in the highest phase of volcanic activity. The ridge extends in a north-south direction. It is composed of the highest peak:

  • Csóványos ( 938 m)
  • Nagy- Hideg -hegy (865 m)
  • Nagy- INOC (813 m)

Észak - Borzsony In the north of Magas - Borzsony the Kemence Creek forms the border to the northern part. Its genesis is less clear. The area can be further divided into two main parts, which are separated by a valley. The northern part consists mostly of sedimentary rock that is formed before the volcanic activity. In the south, however, lava rock is the predominant sub- base material.

Nyugat Borzsony The western part of the central mountain range was formed by former layer and shield volcanoes. This summit generally reach a height of about 600 m.

Deli - Borzsony In the south, sedimentary rocks are again typical. Here the Danube forms the border with the Visegrád Mountains.


Thanks to the high rainfall, the Borzsony is characterized by a pronounced abundance of waters. The hydro- geographical center runs at the highest altitude massif of Csóványos. From there flow the most important water-bearing streams, such as the Kemence - patak, the Fekete patak ( " Black Brook " ), or SZEN patak ( "Coal Creek "). Because of the geological conditions and the associated nature of the surface, the surface water streams are usually short and run a little water.

The 25.6 km, the longest and largest ever water-bearing stream is the Kemence -Bach. The name derives from the Slavic word kamenica, which means " stony river bed " means. He springs to the sources of the eastern side of the Csóványos. The water catchment area is 107 km ², the average discharge amount is 294 l / s

Due to the density of the forest cover evaporate almost 60% of the rainfall in the forest. Most watercourses not eat from the unstable and only small amounts of water producing wells, but from the snow melt from the precipitation falling at regular intervals, and from the fierce summer thunderstorm. The often observed rapid changes in water level resulting from the low water capacity of the streams, resulting in turn from the volcanic basement rocks. Unlike karstified limestone mountains rainfall seep not into the deeper areas of the rock material.

Of the 427 natural sources which are registered in the land registry, run about 350 significant amounts of water. These can be classified into three main types:

  • Talquellen that arise from the sedimentary rock at foot of a mountain
  • Layer sources, the leap out of the fastest tilting edge
  • Gap sources that emerge from columns inside the mountain

The last type is one of the special natural resources of the Borzsony. About 40 of the permanent gap sources are located at 600 m above sea level. The highest altitude source is at 850-900 m altitude.

In the mountains there are no major standing water of natural origin. In some areas, more and more streams in the valleys dammed by dams. In this way, different functions satisfying artificial lakes are created. In addition, the so-called bomb craters from the Second World War are to be mentioned. They are now considered wetlands anthropogenic origin of meaning.

Among the rare natural standing waters are - especially with larger snow melting and in rainy periods - the temporarily existing lakes worth mentioning. This can be observed for example in between the Só -hegy ( " salt mountain" ) and the Nagy- Sas -hegy ( " Big Eagle Mountain " ) located Nagy- rét ( " Au Large ").

Flora and Fauna

Most of the Borzsony is covered by spruce forest, but there are also high ash, elm and maple trees to be found. In the undergrowth are numerous types such as primroses, the Enduring silver leaf or the True daphne hide. Various flowers and grasses alternate on the mountain meadows. Dominant are the gold oats (see list of vascular plants of Germany ) and the Snow White Wood-rush.

To the rich wildlife of the area includes the stock of big game, including deer, wild boar, roe deer and mouflon. Frequently pheasants, foxes, hares, badgers, martens, weasels and otters occur. Among the birds of prey belonging to the Eastern Imperial Eagle, Saker Falcon of, the hawk and the goshawk. The most popular song birds are the nightingale, blackbird and the lark. The living in Borzsony species are mostly protected, such as the spotted salamander, the longicorn, or used as a sheepdog Pyrenean Mountain Dog.


From Csóványos from a panorama extends over the Danube Bend. The area around the mountain is also interesting from an archaeological point of view. There the already mentioned remains were early human settlements have been found. The mountain can be reached from several directions.

  • From Verőce of hiking trails lead both to the south and west.
  • From Kismaros you can take the Királyréti Erdei Vasút, one of the narrow -gauge railways, go to Királyrét.
  • From Verőce - Magyarkút coming to the west, the summit can be reached by train after Diosjeno.

Also, for winter sports there are ways in Borzsony. On the Nagyhideghegy is a ski slope. After lying in the snow Bükk Bánkút there remains the second longest lie in Hungary.

Small villages like Nagybörzsöny offer different attractions. There, the Szent István templom is ( " Church of Saint Stephen " ) from the 12th century to visit, and was built around 1700 by miners Church. From the 19th Century watermill is obtained, the wheel is still driven by the waters of Borzsony. In Zebegény a museum in memory of the painter István Szőnyi (1894-1960), whose main themes were motifs from the surrounding area and the everyday life of peasants, built. In addition, there is a Trianon Memorial. Also worth mentioning is Márianosztra, the shrine of the Magyarok Nagyasszonya ( " Madonna of the Hungarians " ), where take place the first weekend of the months of July, September and December pilgrimages. The Borzsony Museum in Szob has an ethnographic and natural history collections. The permanent collection includes more than 24,000 pieces. The exhibition opened in 1960 offers insights into the history of the site and the surrounding area from the Neolithic to the Ottoman period.

In Borzsony the environment can be explored with various narrow gauge railways:

  • Királyréti Erdei Vasút ( " Forest Railway Királyrét " )
  • Nagybörzsönyi Erdei Vasút ( " Forest Railway Nagybörzsöny " )
  • Kemencei Erdei Múzeumvasút ( " Forest Railway Museum Kemence " )

Communities in Borzsony

  • Bernecebaráti, Ipolydamásd, Ipolytölgyes, Kemence Kismaros Kóspallag, Letkés
  • Márianosztra, Nagybörzsöny, Nagymaros, Nógrád Nőtincs, Perőcsény, Rétság
  • Szob, Szokolya, Tesa, Verőce, Vac, Vámosmikola, Zebegény