Braille Patterns

The Unicode block Braille mark ( Braille Patterns, U 2800 to U 28 FF ) contains all 256 possible characters of Braille, the 64 signs of the standard Braille, resulting from the combinations of six arranged in three lines of dots, are at the beginning, while the 192 additional characters of the resulting by adding a fourth line computer Braille at the end.

The naming of the characters is standardized, there are only the numbers of the points mentioned, which are set:

So called eg " P126 " (or in the original English " DOTS -126 " ) a sign this form:

The order of the characters reflects that of binary numbers:

The meaning of the symbols of the language for which the braille is used dependent (eg P1 A, P12 = B, P14 = C, etc. =), and sometimes differs even between different technical languages ​​of the same language.


All characters have the category " Change Icon " and the bidirectional class " left to right ".

