Brugmansia suaveolens

Brugmansia suaveolens

Brugmansia suaveolens is a species in the genus Brugmansia ( Brugmansia ).


Brugmansia suaveolens is up to 5 meters tall shrub or tree whose branches are glabrous or glabrous. The leaves are 15 to 30 inches long, ovate, pointed forward or pointed, rounded at the base or blunt. The leaf blade is hairy to tomentose on both sides pubescent, especially along the leaf veins. The petioles are 3-5 inches long and hairless.

The flower stems are up to 5 inches long and may be glabrous or hairy. The calyx is broadly tubular, extended already in the bud and even during the heyday continues to expand. After flowering time he drops along with the crown. At the top of the calyx are five sepals, they are the same polymorphic, 2 to 3 inches long and can be blunt or pointed, glabrous or hairy. The crown is tubular, 25 to 30 inches long, it can be white, pink or yellowish. The diameter of the corolla tube amounts to only about 2/3 of the diameter of the cup tube, so that it is not completely filled. In about half of the Kronsaums sometimes a slight enlargement present. The coronary band is swinging lobed, measures about 13 inches in diameter and is staffed with five narrow lanceolate lobes with a length of 10-15 millimeters. The outside of the crown is hairy, the inside glabrous.

The stamens are between the lower third and a half of the crown, above the calyx. You can be angled knee- shaped, hairy at the base point and upwards hairless. Occasionally, they dry to a dark hue. The stamens are free to about 40 millimeters. The anthers are 25 to 35 millimeters long and grow into a narrow, cylindrical tube with a diameter of 4 to 6 mm, but occasionally they are also available separately. You jump on the long side. The ovary is elongate - conical.

The fruit is a berry.


The species originates from South America.
